Troubleshooting The Colt Defender

Learning the nuances of specific handgun types will help you diagnose problems. Colt’s Defender is a showcase for learning the 1911.

by RK Campbell

When addressing common issues with any handgun there are numerous trade secrets known to experienced gunsmiths. Often there are spots common to each handgun type and this is the rationale behind certain packages and upgrades offered as a matter of course at custom shops. The combination of upgrades often results in an improvement beyond the sum of the work. The work results in smoother operation. We often examine a particular handgun for common defects and shortcomings. While this is OK as far as it goes, we should never stop when we find the first problem nor be blind to a problem not common to the breed. If the pistols exhibits more than one of the common problems then the owner may well be advised to simply purchase another handgun before proceeding with custom work as it may be less expensive than the proposed repairs. However, sometimes the owner decides to go the distance for reasons of his own. Recently I encountered a Colt Defender with more than one problem area common to 1911 handguns.

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